

Modding Micro Benus: Spec Ops 2

I have been planning for players to be able tomod the game since I created the game. Not only would it allow for customisation of the game, but it may also push people torwards coding or making pixel art and maybe help people's cerativity.

Currently, MicroScript is very young and not yet ready, but in time it it will be ready for the public. It will be restricted to mobile users as I don't think you can mod games on itch.io. 
Here's some MicroScript code, in JSON, I will include a description of each feature.

MicroScript v0.4
        "name":        "Sniper",   #unit name
        "id":        "mcgf1 ",   '#unit  ID
         "description":    "doesnrtgefdnfc bfrhbd",   #description of the unit
         "pack":        "none",    #so people can identify if the unit is apart of a #larger unit pack
        "speed":     60,    #unit top speed
        "accel":    120,    #unit acceleration
        "deaccel":    60,    #deacceleration
        "turnSpeed":    60,    #the speed at which the unit turns
        "damage":    5,   #amount of damage the unit deals
        "armourDam":    2, #damage to armour
        "fireRate":    4,   #how many seconds before it shoots
        "ammo":        10, #ammo it has
    "projectile":     "bulletA" #the projectile ituses
        "speed":    500,   #bullet speed
    "projAccel":    2, #bullet acceleration
        "projDeaccel":    4,    #bullet deacceleration
        "explosive":    false, #if the bullet is explosivew
    "range":    240, #how far the bullet can go
    "image":     "bulletA.png" #image
        "image":    "sniper.png",   #unit image
    "imageDeath":    "sniper_death.png", #unit death image
        "animation":    1,  #how many parts to the animation there are 
        "anim1":    "sniper.png", #frame
        "image":    "step.png",   #effect image
    "mode":        "oneshot",   #oneshot = burst, continuous = f o r e v e r
        "num":        600,   #how many particles

Get Micro Benus: Spec Ops 3

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